

As some of you may remember, at Jude's 4 month visit, we were told that around the time he's 5 months we should start considering giving him solids. She said if we wanted to, we could start him right away, but five months would probably be perfect. But of course we could just as easily wait longer

I knew I would not be starting them right away, but assumed Ryan would be ALL about starting them right at 5 months.

I plan to make Jude's baby food, so have recently been spending a good bit of time flipping through my baby cook book and browsing different information on line. I still need to purchase food storage containers and then I should be 100% ready for making and freezing fruits and veggies which I'm super excited about (yes, I'm aware how lame that sounds).

Well, the last time I was at the grocery store I took a stop in the rice isle. Typically it is recommended that you start with a rice cereal and then work your way through the other foods one at a time to test for allergies. In addition to picking up Ryan and I's rice I bought some whole grain rice for Jude. I was super excited and planned to start him on solids in the next couple of weeks.

At the mall one day, I was holding Jude while I was eating and home boy was keeping a good eye on my food and lately at home has been reaching for anything in my hands (edible or not). In the words of Barbie "if that's not a sign he's ready, I'm not sure what is".

So, I told Ryan about my purchase and how I wanted to start Jude on rice cereal thinking he would be thrilled! We just needed to find a good night we were both home to give it it's first whirl. He'd finally have more of a hand in Jude's feedings and it'd be a big milestone in our little man's life. I got just the opposite response. He actually suggested that we keep him solely on breast milk until he's six months old. His opinion is that Jude is growing fine and so there's no point in rushing foods. Being that I try to balance our parental decisions, I gave him this one.

So, our whole grain rice will have to hang out in the pantry for another month, but you can bet I will be super thrilled to start it once 6 months rolls around!!


barbie said...

dont you hate when our "other half" doesnt agree with us 100% all the time. they should know better. just kidding!!