
1 Year into my 101...

****Note - when editing my list one day and moving completed items to the bottom of the list, I realized half way through moving some that the pasting wasn't working. So, I might be missing some completed items - but all the 'to be completed' are still there.*****

As I mentioned previously, I'm adding a little twist to my 101 list. I decided that since I put this list together roughly a year ago, I'll be adding a new item for each completed item this year.

So, at the end of each year , I'll tally up all of my completed items and add a new item for each completed task. I will still have to finish the original list within the original 2.75 years and the additional items will be starting their own 2.75 years, but this way, I will always have a full list to work on (instead of at the end only having 10-15 things when in reality there's still so much I want to do!) and it will be updated with things that reflect my changing life priorities (as you'll see, some of my new items are more 'baby' related).

Items remaining on the Original 101 list (started 12/7/08 - end date 9/2011) (31 items were completed from my original list during the first year):
1. Start my 'career' (whatever that may be)
2. Go back to school to study something new - whether I plan to do anything with it or just am interested in learning - even if it doesn't result in a degree, take classes that interest me.
6. Take a walk during the fall simply to take pictures of the trees - took one walk.. but the trees weren't perfect enough for me... next year...
7. Pull over while driving and take a picture when I see something beautiful - I already know what I want to photograph.. I just need to pass it at the right time.. with the camera in the car...
9. Make a quilt - in progress.
10. Go one full day without getting online/on a computer/watching TV/ talking on the phone.
17. Buy a watch or fix one I have and wear it regularly - it is in my diaper bag to get repaired, I just need to remember to do it while at the mall one day.
23. Have Ryan help ME hang a light or ceiling fan in the house - should be hanging the ceiling fan in our office pretty soon.
24. Make putting on make-up part of my morning routine - this is really no longer a goal of mine... so, will probably never be done.
25. Remodel our kitchen
28. Remodel and decorate the general areas of our home (hallway, entrance ways, etc) - done most of downstairs... and I'm working on going up the steps, progress!!!
29. Remodel the three bathrooms in our home (1 started)
31. Remodel and decorate master bedroom
32. Remodel and decorate guest room(/baby#2 nursery?)
34. Find a way to display our shot glasses (plan: build shelves and hang in dinning room - eventually to be moved to basement when bar is done)
35. Run a marathon (hopefully with Ryan)
36. Run a 5K in less than 25 minutes - bought a jogging stroller and hope to start running again!
37. Walk through the mall one morning with the "mall walkers"
39. Donate my hair to Locks of Love again - hopefully more than last time (if running a marathon w/Ryan shave head for donation per agreement with Ryan)
41. Volunteer - at least 40 hours total - just became a member of a local food coop - plan to volunteer some time there... and my friend was talking about adopting a street that I could help her maintain.
43. Try donating blood again - can't donate blood until I'm no longer breast feeding.
46. Get another dog
47. See the Northern Lights!
49. Take a road trip (to count as a road trip I have to be in the car for 3+ days making more than 5 stops along the way)
51. Go to the New Mexico Hot Air Balloon festival - and ride in a hot air balloon
55. Go skiing
57. Take a ladies trip for myself and any female friends (to count as a trip it must be over night)
62. Sprinkle some of Zoey's ashes somewhere I know she'd love to be - Ryan's not sure he wants to do this.... so may never happen.
64. Star Gaze on a camping trip - stay at a camp site "in the middle of no where" for a great view of the stars.
65. Have a candle light dinner
73. Go fishing
74. Go to a Holiday party that I have to get dressed up for (christmas or new years)
76. Go to the circus
78. Go on a fabulous trip to one (or more) of the following places: Egypt, Tahiti, Hawaii, Victoria Falls, Ireland, African Safari, London, Machu Picchu - not sure where we're going...or when
79. Be out of debt (everything except mortgage payments and car payments) - we have not put anything on credit in probably somewhere close to three years...we're so close.
88. Win something on the radio
89. Get another tattoo - another one with meaning - I have an idea, but don't plan to get it for awhile.
90. Get a new passport with the right name - took pictures, filled out paperwork, need to mail it in/pay for it.
91. Blog about each task as it's completed (or as I realize I did something that was on the list as sometimes it may not dawn on me until days later) - I'm linking all of my blogs to the item as it's done... this may take some time and I may be blogging about tasks done awhile ago that I didn't previously mention.
93. Buy a 'flashy' pair of heals
94. Get a desk-top computer - on the horizon. Will buy it when our office gets done.
95. Order something out of a catalog
100. Sing Kareokee

43 remaining

Additional items - added 12/9/2009 to be completed by 9/2012 - 30 Items:
2. See a rocket/shuttle launch
5. Fix up the outside of our house - new windows, siding, shutters, extend the porch (if we still want to), build the deck we want, etc.
7. When he's old enough, start Jude on music lessons on whatever instrument he's interested in - in music classes, not instrument specific
8. Teach Jude his ABC's and how to count to 10
9. Turn our 'little room' at the top of the steps into an organized work space

10. 'remodel' our laundry room - install a wash basin, new floor, take down the old cabinets, paint, etc. - started this room. Have changed my plans on what i want to do. Will be keeping the cabinets, which means no room for a wash basin. Still need new floor and to swap out the light and switch.
12. Replace our crappy gas fireplace (right now we're considering a pellet stove) - sold wood stove because we decided we really want a pellet stove.
13. Get a family portrait
14. Get Jude a passport and take him out of the country on vacation. - we keep talking about trip, some day...
15. Scuba Dive
16. Finish our basement.
17. Clear out the underbrush in our backyard to make it more functional.
18. Build Jude a tree house.
20. Go ALL OUT decorating the house for fall and winter one year - did a good bit of decorating this year... but I'll try and do better next year.
21. Order and Display some of the images from our wedding - ordered some small prints and put them in 4x6 frames. Plan to hang some larger prints on the walls as I finish more rooms.
22. Make Buddy a new pet bed
24. Brew our own beer
25. start pilot lessons for Ryan
26. See the following: Grand Canyon, Mt. Rushmore, Old Faithful, Niagara Falls
29. Get a new car
30. Buy and read all the John Irving Novels I haven't read (I own and have read the rest):
- Setting Free the Bears
- 158-Pound Marriage
- Son of the Circus
- The Fourth Hand
- Until I Find You
- Last night in twisted River
31. Subscribe to two magazines (one for me and one for Ryan) and the news journal - subscribed to two magazines, just need to sign up for the news journal.

22 remaining

All Completed Items:
92. Encourage someone else to make a 101 list of their own
99. Support Ryan in getting another tattoo - or start his "sleeve" - ryan got his v for vendetta tattoo
86. Find a daycare for baby
82. Organize our office in a way to make it easier to find important papers and maximize space.
83. Get rid of something that I really don't need but hold on to for some reason or another (aka junk) - gave my "aw" purse to goodwill - I'm no longer AW and don't talk to the person who made it... no point in holding on to it.
84. REALLY clean out my closet and dresser and give away anything I don't wear (no matter how much I tell myself I'll wear it)
85. Throw a successful kiddy-party
80. Organize our finances/bills on our computer and go paperless for as many bills as we can.
77. Eat the 1 piece of wedding cake left in the freezer on our anniversary
70. Get Buddy's picture taken with Santa
68. Lay on my back and watch the clouds
63. Go strawberry picking
61. Jump in a pile of leaves
59. Take our first "family vacation" - went to NC for a long weekend
54. Take Buddy to the dog park
48. Go on my much anticipated trip to Washington D.C.
45. Encourage someone to recycle (they actually have to start doing it for it to count!)
38. Get back to my pre-baby weight (or less) post baby.
30. Unpack all of our boxes.
26. Start and finish decorating our baby's nursery to have a special place to welcome him/her into the world.
21. Meet all of our immediate neighbors (house directly to the right, left and in front) - we have become 'friends' with the old man next door, the house to the right is now officially vacant and being put on the market and we've chatted a number of time with the people across the street!
22. Sell something I made/did for money (could be a photo, a service or a craft of some sort) - sold Bryan my homemade laundry detergent!
19. Maintain a flower bed for a whole season - only a month or two left to go!! - summer 2009 14. Complete a "handy" project around the house on my own.
15. Go 1 month without eating fast-food (anything with a drive-thru is fast food).

16. Take a day off of work and sit at home and do nothing.
12. Go out of my way to be nice to someone who annoys me. 5/2009
8. Try 6 different beers (at home or at a bar - can be on different days) to say that I've given drinking beer an honest try.
4. Start a better morning routine - i.e. waking up before I have to, in an effort to make the mornings less hectic.
5. Read a book a month for 6 months straight
40. Skip celebrating Christmas one year and donate any money we would have spent on the holidays to poor children who otherwise wouldn't have a Christmas - go as far as telling anyone who would have bought us a gift to donate to a charity instead of gifting to us (any gifts we receive should be packed up and donated accordingly)
20. Mail out Christmas cards
1. Watch "A Christmas Story" from start to finish
3. Photograph someone and get paid for it. - will be photographing my cousin Laura's wedding in January - will be getting paid in the form of a new camera - ordered the camera! Just need to photograph the wedding on January 2nd!
56. Host a holiday gathering at our house for our families - having dinner at our house on christmas day this year. I invited all of our families to come.
53. See a show on Broadway
66. Take Ryan to see the Daily Show or Colbert Report
72. See the Statue of Liberty - up close (with the whole Ellis Island Experience)
60. Make a snow man
101. Sell something on e-bay
18. Get a massage
13. Make a seasonal dessert each season for one year (4 desserts total) that I have never made before. 2 down (raspberry, apple, molasses, strawberry)
27. Remodel and decorate our living room
33. Be able to park my car in the garage
42. Plant a tree - planting a peach tree in the front yard!!
87. Make and decorate a birthday cake for our baby - made two!
52. Go to an art museum and truly appreciate the art
58. Take a trip on a train - will be taking a train ride into new york on monday
75. Go to a carnival/fair
81. Find a way to display more of the thousands of images I have stored on my computer (and be creative about it!) - currently doing scrapbooks for each year, which are now on shelves displayed for people to look through, also have frames up with photos. As I finish more rooms, there will be more photos displayed. But atleast they're not all sitting in cyber space anymore.
96. Help Ryan and Ryan make another movie in any way I can
97. Buy an argyle sweater
98. Mail someone a card on a special occasion (anniversary, b-day, etc)
4. Have a yard sale
23. Buy or make a growth chart to hang in Jude's room
6. Enroll Jude in "little music makers" at UD.
19. Buy new/awesome bras when I'm done breastfeeding!
27. Go to the Herr's Factory
50. Go to the "please touch" museum in Philly
67. Walk through a professionally maintained garden on a spring day
28. Get our Grill working or buy a new one - bought one
11. Finish re-landscaping the front yard
3. Decide if we want to have another child or not. If we do, do it. If we don't, clean out Jude's room and the basement and get rid of baby items we will no longer need - aka don't hold on to them forever.


Anonymous said...

Are those listed the irving books you have read? or haven't?
If haven't - I have 158 pound marriage. Somewhere amongst my boxes....

barbie said...

i dont want to be THAT reader, but isn't 1,001 days only 2.75 years, not 3.75??

Alicia Kennedy said...

hmmm... you are correct ma'am. I'm not exactly sure what I was thinking....

Alicia Kennedy said...

and yes meghan - those listed are the ones I still have to read.