
Free Disney

Ryan and I are in desperate need of a vacation. I know to most, it might seem like it hasn't been THAT long since we've went away, but in my opinion it's felt like forever (really, it's been less than a year - but by the time we actually plan and DO something - it will have been about a year... or more).

I'm the queen of planning trips without considering the cost. A couple of months ago, Ryan and I were seconds away from hitting 'submit' on a weekend cruise. Not long after that, a conversation with some friends had us (me) convinced we'd be going to Costa Rica in June. Of course I knew the truth, that we wouldn't be going, but it's so nice to pretend sometimes.

Well, Ryan and I recently had a conversation where we discussed going on a mid-sized vacation in May. We already have plans to go to Hawaii in October, but I'd really like to squeeze something in before then. As of right now, we're considering a small sized roadtrip to Florida. There's a shuttle launch scheduled for May and we could spend a day in Disney in addition to a few other small things.

Part of me decided this would be great because it would be in May. May is Ryan's birthday month, Jude's birthday month and our anniversary. It would be a celebration of sorts for all three events. In addition, Ryan would get in free for his birthday. It just seemed perfect.

Well, the down side is that if we did this mini vacation, we would not be having a big 1st Birthday party for Jude like we had expected. However, part of me thinks making May "Annual Kennedy Vacation Month" would be a great idea! At least until Jude is old enough to decide if he wants a vacation or a party. There's still a lot to consider, but part of me is convinced we'll be going on vacation in May.

In planning for this, I went on to Disney's web page and tried to look up the free park entry for birthday's. I'm pretty sure Jude is free either way, but it'd be nice to not have to pay for either Ryan or I. Well, I found the information and unfortunately the free day for your b-day ends December, 2009.

There was more information though that actually seemed to be right up my ally. Instead of birthday's, if you volunteer for a day (and follow their stipulations) you get a free day at Disney! If we do decide to take the trip, I'm going to volunteer for a day (and try to convince Ryan to do the same). In addition to marking some time off my 101, I'll be saving money! Yea!