
Computer Trouble

So, just when I was ready to get back into the swing of things with my blog, I hit some computer problems :(

I got this computer probably around the beginning of my senior year in college. At first, it didn't seem like that long ago... but when you consider I graduated 3.5 years ago, that means this computer is at least 4 years old... which is a dinosaur in technology terms.

Basically the computer functions well... it's a bit slow, a bit out dated, but functions. The real problem is the battery - which is dead. If you charge the battery, it lasts for a whole 15 minutes at best. Then there's the power cord - which is also on it's last leg. The cord is starting to fray and so the connection is touch and go. The other day I thought I had lost it for good, but then it started charging again out of no where.

Now, it would be smart for us to just find another power cord and keep this computer going for as long as possible, but we both agree that it's about time to just get a new one and move on. By holding onto a computer that's almost dead, you risk not backing up your information quick enough and loosing everything (I've already backed up all of our pictures on an external hard drive). So, when tax times rolls around, I'm guessing that a small portion of our return will go towards a new computer...

In the mean time, we'll be limping along with what we've got and so I'm sure my internet time will be very on and off.