
All my hard work...

Alright! For those of you who care, he's my progress on our front yard:

The whole reason I started working out there this week:

What remains of the holly bushes that were once in front of our house:

Where above holly bushes once were (stones, roots and pavers still need to be removed, but that's man's work)

What's left of the azalea bushes that were once in our front yard - one more stump to go and of course that whole crap load of underbrush by the drive way needs to be pulled up

The flower bed I maintained all summer.

And now for the heavy work... You can't see it too clearly int his picture, but this is the top of a three tier flower bed/garden area that was once COVERED in under brush, plants, and whatever else...

The bottom tier (still needs to be cleared some more) and the waste at the bottom that Ryan will be cleaning up

so much yard waste...

looking up from the bottom of the flower bed (those are my berry plants on the right)

I hope they like their new home...

I MIGHT try to keep that plant... it has some pretty flowers... but need to clean around it.


Julie said...

looks like you have your work cut our for you! How many acres do you guys have?