
A Day At The Zoo

Jude and I were invited to spend today at the zoo. The person who invited us was/is a member, so we were fortunate enough to get in for free! At that price, who could resist? There were three other mothers there, all with babies of their own so as lame and I sound, it was nice to be around other people with kids. Jude was however, the youngest of them all.

Being that Jude was so young, he only understood so much of what was going on. Every now and then he seemed to be looking at the animals, but I can't be too sure. But it was still a good time and got us out and about!

I think later, when Jude is old enough to understand what's happening we'll be going back with Ryan. Ryan seemed slightly bummed that he'd be missing Jude's first trip, but agreed that it'd be better to go with him when he can understand what it's all about.


Looking at the Lions (which I compared to "really big Buddy's" because they were laying around like he does)

Looking at the Gorillas, which is becoming one of my favorite animals. I just loved them in Animal Kingdom and even though this one wasn't as active, he's still pretty bad ass looking. This is so cute because Jude is holding himself up and stand against the glass.

A little photo op:

Jude's first carousel. He sat on there all alone like a big boy (of course I was holding on to him)

The sloth. Not as cool as when we saw them in their natural habitat in Costa Rica, but this one had a baby which was pretty neat.

I will also add that I (of course?) carrier Jude is his carrier all day. Carrying him was not a problem, but it's annoying not having anywhere to stow my diaper bag. Luckily one of the ladies there had a stroller that was being used specifically for diaper bags. I need to learn to pack lighter.


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! - that is so cute and awe-some that he is holding himself up.