It feels like Halloween weekend should be wrapping up tonight, but really tomorrow's only Sunday.
Our weekend got started early when Ryan took the day off on Friday to help me wrap things up for the party. We had slowly been getting things together through the month, so felt pretty prepared going into the day.
By 5 o'clock all that we needed to do was throw the food in the oven and get our costumes on. I expected to do mine at the last minute since I still had to feed Jude before putting him down, but decided to work on the bottom half before hand since I had time. Boy am I glad I did. IT TOOK FOREVER. I pretty much worked on it for 3 hours straight and the last bit was basically thrown together from the chest up. I was so excited for it, but it was pretty much thrown together and not at all what I had hoped it'd be. But still it wasn't bad. Ryan was a smurf. There are a few things that weren't exactly as we had hoped on his, because I was supposed to tweak it while putting it on him, but since I was occupied, he was left to do it on his own.
Either way, with my barking orders at 7 o'clock while wrapping myself, the food got cooked and displayed nicely (unfortunately, I didn't even think to get pictures of the food, which was all very Halloween themed). We had Spicey skeleton ribs (chicken in a stromboli style dough cut to look like ribs), tape worms (hot dogs sliced and curled to look like worms in ketchup), eyeball meatballs, and more. We got pretty good feedback on most of it!
RIGHT at 8 people started arriving through the basement (while I was still be wrapped) and things were on a roll. The night seemed to fly by from there and before I knew it the evening was over.
But of course, there were some great costumes:
After a later night than we're really used to anymore, I was hoping Jude would sleep in a little. But he didn't. He was up bright and early ready for his share of Halloween. We got him dressed in his costume and headed out for breakfast (yes, he wore it all day). Afterwards, we went over to Toy 'r Us for a little parade they had going on. They passed out some candy and other little odds and ends and got pictures with Geoffry. While we were there,w e of course looked around at some toys and ended up getting Jude a little "happy 6-month birthday" gift (he loves it and 'squealed' with it in his hands all the ways home).
After a busy morning we were ready for a nap. Unfortunately, Jude wasn't quite ready. So, we ehaded home, did a little rough cleaning up and after awhile were able to fall asleep for a little while to rest up.
We hadn't carved out pumpkins yet. I'm very picky about when to carve them, because there has been more than one occasion where we did them too soon and the ended up rotting, so I decided we'd do them some time this weekend. Yesterday was too busy, so it happened today. Just in time to light up for the trick or treaters.
Finally after our pumpkins were done, it was time for trick or treating. We put candy out on our porch and headed out. We hit a few houses on our street, stopping to talk to a few of the neighbors before giving up for the night. We didn't plan to be out long, we just wanted to do a little loop. By the time we got home it was starting to drizzle and our candy bowl was running low. I fed Jude while Ryan set up the fire pit before the downpour came. We had plans to sit outside around the fire for the end of the night with our new neighbors, but unfortunately we got rained out.
Instead, here we are watching game three of the world series. A lovely night and such fun Halloween events!
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