
Survey Says...

Question: The poll isclosed, what's the verdict?


When I first started getting responses, I was a little 'hurt' (not the right word) that people flat out said it looks bad. Especially since EVERYONE who saw me in person said it looked good. I mean, seriously TELL ME IF IT LOOKS BAD! You don't have to say it looks like shit, but let a girl know nicely!

Anyway - there were only 5 votes, so it only means so much.

I will not be cutting it shorter right now. I may grow it out to eventually chop it all off again.

Currently though, I'm trying to at least grow it out for something like this:

It shouldn't take too long to get there and then I can make a decision from there.


barbie said...

ever watch the show Shark Tank? you should look into it, its a good show. anyway, there's one female judge, and I like her hair. let me see if i can find a picture for ya....

go to that link and scroll down. you'll see a picture of a blonde woman, Barbara Corcoran. I could see you with a style kinda like know, if you decided to go shorter

Katy said...

Okay, okay. I'll be honest. I voted D... but I don't think your hair is ugly. I made the mistake of not reading the whole blog and clicking on the one that said something along the lines of grow it long and keep it long because I miss your pretty long hair and I can't get used to an Alicia with short hair.

You dont look stupid. Don't hate me.