
Baby Teeth

So I have this theory... what is it you might ask? I think that after talking to other mothers that breastfeed babies get their teeth later than formula fed babies. You may think I'm crazy, but I honestly am noticing a trend among the people I know!

Everyone I know in my family all say that their children got teeth a t 3/4 months - they were all convinced when Jude was only a couple months old that he was teething. Now, when I look at most of the women I know who breastfeed, they're kids all seem to be getting their first teeth around 6/7 months.

Noticing this, I decided to do some online research just to see. I found no real related studies or anything that indicated one way or the other, but I came across chat boards and stuff that left me undecided. One chat board was a conversation started by a mother asking the same question as me. She said she too noticed a trend among breastfed/formula fed babies. Some mothers who argued that it made no difference said that they breast fed for X number of months and their kids still got teeth on the younger side. But for some/most "x" number of months was around the 3-4 months... so not really a good indicator for this argument.

I'm talking about the mothers who seem to BF longer - like 7...8... 12 months... whatever.

The only information I found that even seemed to semi-support my theory was an article saying that babies begin to get their teeth on average around 5 months (I could be wrong on that exact number, but we'll use that for the sake of what I'm getting ready to say). He said that 5 months is when the maternal stores begin to 'wear off' and so there's some sort of hormone adjust that takes place and they begin to teeth.

Now, I'm no scientist, but one could assume that if you're breastfeeding your child might be getting extra of those 'maternal stores' and thus taking longer for them to teeth.

Secondly, I found some information about how there are steroids in cow's milk that may encourage children to get teeth more quickly also... but I'm going to hope/assume that this doesn't apply to my theory as 3-4 month olds shouldn't be on cow's milk.

I think this deserves more research as it seems like it might be a credible theory - to some degree.

Question: I would love to hear your feedback on this! When did your child/children start getting teeth? Were they formula or BF? Not just your kids though... but other mothers you may know...


Anonymous said...

I breast fed both of my kids and my daughter broke her first two teeth at 5 months and my son at 4 months. I think it depends on the child.

barbie said...

Maybe mom's who breastfeed WILL their babies to teeth later, as they don't want to get bit!!!! If our breast milk can cure pink eye, stuffed noses, ear infections, etc then whos to say it can't read our minds and delay the growth of teeth.

considering how many extra teeth YOU had, your mom must have had you on cows from day 1. or maybe she injected it into her vagina before you were even born.

did i take it too far? im sorry