
...the end of cloth diapers as we know it

I will say that tonight was not the first... but it was the most significant "solid" poop we've had.

Since Jude really only plays with his solid foods, we haven't had to deal with many of the really solid poops. In the very beginning of him eating solids, he had consumed a good bit at one sitting and the next morning I heard a very distinct "thud" and knew I would be changing a solid diaper.

Tonight I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and he was flapping around on the ground having a good old time. Then all the sudden he got very quiet and then I heard this sound coming from him I'd never heard before. It was like a choking/straining/concentrating sound. I honestly thought at first that he was choking on something. I quickly went over an inventory of items that may have been on the floor around him as I ran over to scoop him up....

Then I smelt it. The undeniable scent of baby poo. But not the baby poo we had come to love and appreciate... the other kind. The kind that is almost human, but for the sake of keeping yourself sane and not getting grossed out that you're in fact touching human poo, you still consider it 'baby poo'.

Since I had scooped him up mid-grunt, I was under the impression he wasn't finished. He seemed to be between grunts, so I took that opportunity to strip off his diaper and sit him on his potty. Jack Pot. He lets out a little groan and boom - a loose log in the hopper!

Luck for me, Ryan was just walking in the door. He had run out to grab a drink while this whole episode was taking place. I quickly came up with a reason why I just HAD to get out of the bathroom (I rambled out a sentence about ravioli and boiling water and left the boys to be). It didn't take him long to realize that there was in fact poo in the toilet and a dirty diaper not too far away.

After Ryan got Jude cleaned up, he was putting the dirty diaper in the laundry room pail and I caught him and explained that we had reached the end of cloth diaper as we know it. He couldn't simply toss the diaper into the pail, log-style poos required scraping. They required a tool. They required him to take said tool, stand over the toilet and plop the goods into the bowl. He was less than pleased. Ryan has a very strong phobia of all things that come OUT of the human body (blood, poop, pee, vomit, etc) and just was not ready for this - which is why I passed Jude off.

Really I only told him to do it because I wanted to get a good laugh. Reluctantly he grabs the diaper and heads into the bathroom with a scrapper in hand. Before I even hear a plop, there's a series of gags, some spiting and a "I give up! I'm throwing it away! We're getting disposables!" Meanwhile I'm in the kitchen with tears in my eyes I'm laughing so hard. When he comes in seriously ready to throw Jude's $17.99 diaper into the trash I tell him I'll take care of it and that I just wanted to see how far he'd get. I was proud that he even gave it an honest effort and hope that he has a new appreciation for his wife who has no problem scraping and cleaning poopy diapers.

In addition to all of this, we BOTH have a new appreciation for our efforts with elimination communication.

You SHOULD be embarrassed!