I was recently flipping through and came across an episode of Jon and Kate plus 8. I've seen this show a good handful of times and while I don't want much TV, it's one I kind of enjoy.
Anyway - in the episode, they were coming up with a family Mission Statement. Now, I am well aware of what a mission statement is and think it's great when companies have them out in the open for customers and employees to see, but have never heard of it outside of a business environment. I loved the idea of it and thought it'd be great to make a mission statement of our own.
As with my list of 101, I hope that Ryan and I don't lose sight of our goals as individuals, a couple and now as parents.
I know when I mention this to Ryan he will think I'm crazy, but I'm pretty sure I could get him on board to do it - or at least give me some input. If I'm happy enough with this, I might eventually get one of those wall decal things (you know, large vinyl stickers) made and put it on a wall in our house somewhere... maybe the upstairs hallway, dining room or front living room.
Some of the things that I'd like to include: Strive to be more and more environmentally friendly, respect each other and be grateful for everyone's contributions, be accepting of all individuals and their differences and beliefs.
That is not a comprehensive list, but it's a start.
I was recently going through photos and told Ryan I don't have nearly enough of the two of them. Most of the pictures I take are of Jude during the day. A new goal of mine is to get more pictures of Ryan and Jude. Just every day moments.
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