
Six Month Check Up

Today was Jude's 6 month check up. More to come on Jude being 6 months later this week (his appointment happened to be a few days early).

He had follow up shots to all of his 2 month shots. Since he got all of the 2 month shots, he of course got their follow ups. We were offered the flu shot and I declined it. I got the "talk" about how we don't live in a vacuum. I listened and again declined. I felt judged - but whatever. So, later on when he mentioned the H1N1 vaccine, you can only imagine how I felt even more judged.

His stats:

Weight: 15lbs 5.5ounces (20th percentile)
Height: 26.5" (50th percentile)
Head Circum: 16.5" (20th percentile)

He's on a pretty consistent path.

The appointment for the most part went the same. We went into the room, Jude got weighed and measured, the doctor came in and checked him out, then something different... he didn't ask the normal series of questions about the house etc. I thought it was weird, but let it go. Then the nurse came back in and gave Jude his shots :( and told us 'the doctor will see you in his office now'. I had to this point never gone into the doctor's office. Everything was always done in the exam room. I immediately had a million things running through my head "is there something to be concerned about?". I guess they just needed the room, because he just went over the normal chat in his office - it was actually very nice to not be dressing Jude and talking to the doctor.

We were advised to continue a lot of tummy time as he'll be moving around soon. He said developmentally he's right on track and doing well.

We also discussed food which is something we've really not been all about lately. I guess it was all the party hype that slowed it down, but we have not really been doing the food thing very often. This is fine as right now he's just experimenting with textures and tastes, but the doctor advised us that even though breast milk should be his primary source of nourishment, we should eventually begin to start some sort of schedule with his meals. Starting with one meal a day (no matter how big or small) and slowly working up to three just to start the idea of meals. I personally feel we have plenty of time for this and will continue to experiment with foods at a very gradual pace until he seems more prepared. He's very interested in putting everything except the food we give him in his mouth... (to this point he's had rice, carrots and butternut squash)

So, in conclusion, the appointment went very well. I have a healthy little man and he's adorable and wonderful and ALMOST 6 MONTHS OLD!


barbie said...

hey, i left a comment. where is it?