
Something I Would Consider...

I've told Ryan recently is so bad for anyone who has a million things they want to do around their house. Everyone who comes through is working on one project or another. In addition to making me want to do SOMETHING around the house, when I see their stuff I'm like "oh! I want to do that next!" or if I have a set idea for something I want to do in one area, then I see something new and I change my mind completely. It's terrible.

Then of course there are little things that I see and decide I think are so neat I want to find somewhere I can use it! For example, someone came through with that chalk board paint. You can turn any surface into a chalk board. I thought it was awesome and vowed I would have a blackboard SOMEWHERE in my house.

Then the other day someone came through with a potted Christmas tree. Now, I'm a fan of cutting down my tree and the whole experience when we actually GET a tree. I personally don't like artificial trees, I have no interest in getting one off the side of the road and it just doesn't seem like Christmas to pick it up at my local home improvement store. I'm imagining that's because when I was younger we always went to cut one down. But this tree was neat in that it a small, little stubby sized tree, so it probably came up to about my shoulders. It was in a pot and basically you decorated it this year and then planed it after you were done with it.

Intrigued, I asked the guy about it to understand it as much as possible. He said he decorates it and then he will plant it outside and then next year, he plans to cut it down. I'm not sure if that means he'sll buy a new one to plant next year for the following year, or what... but I liked the idea of it.

Again, I don't really like the idea of crushing not going to a tree farm and the whole experience, but there's something to what he's doing that I really like.

Either way, this Saturday, Ryan and I plan to make the trip down to Magnolia to get our tree. The in-laws of a guy we know have a tree farm down there and the last time we got a tree, we got it from them and we plan to again this year.

I'm sure I'll post more for you after we get it!


barbie said...

you might want to reread paragraph #1.

We were at Lowes the other day and kevin said something along the lines of, "who would buy their xmas tree from Lowes?". I'm not talking about the potted ones, but the pre-cut ones you mentioned, lol. I foudn it very fascinating that Lowes even sold them.