
"Look ma! No hands!"

I might call this a fluke... or it might have been the start of something... but the other day, Jude stood up, hands free.

It started when we were playing in his room. Jude's bedroom is right across the hall from my room and I pretty much have a direct visual from most parts of my room into his. So, while he was playing, I went into my room to get changed. He was playing with the red crate from inside of his dresser that holds his diapers. This type of thing could keep Jude occupied for hours. There might be 3 or 4 liners in the crate that he will repeatedly take out of the crate, put back in the crate, take out of the create... you get the picture.

So, when I walked back into the room, Jude had a mix of emotions spread wide across his face. Shear Excitement! Mixed with Pride! and a little bit of FEAR! He had this huge smile on his face with these slightly worried eyes.

It took me a fraction of a second to realize he was standing near his dresser and his red crate hands free! Within two seconds of me walking back into the room, he wabbled a little and grabbed back onto the dresser for support.