

So last night I was holding Jude while online right after feeding him.

I'm not even sure how it worked out as far as angles are concerned, but he turned his head and SLAT, spit up all down the right hand side of my keyboard. My "o" "p" "9" "0" etc were all acting super funky. In addition my space bar wasn't working and my arrow keys were all out of whack. Considering I have a computer password (to log on) that contains the zero key and P key... things weren't looking too good.

I have had my laptop since roughly my senior year of college... So we're talking 4 years old... maybe more. In the world of computers, this thing is practically a dinosaur. I have been wanting a new computer anyway (the battery is shot, the programs are out dated and it's just kinda slow) but we just can't bring ourselves to do it. There are just too many other places the money SHOULD be going.

So, when the keyboard crapped out on me, I was excited at the thought of buying a new computer, but knew I wouldn't get a really nice one and would have to settle. It was bitter-sweet.

Well, now here we are the next day with an (almost) fully functioning keyboard. My arrow keys still don't work, but it seems like the rest of it has come back to life. As a result we will probably put off a new computer purchase just a little longer.

I'm torn though about what to get next (as I have started looking).

A new PC laptop

A new Mac laptop (what I currently have)

or... get a desktop base, another flat screen wall mount TV and really go high tech and mount it in our front living room. thus having another TV and a desk top computer.. and maybe even rig it up so that we can access the base from our main living room tv too...

I think I just made up my mind. LOL


barbie said...

keep us updated.
sounds like youve been having problems with the laptop alot lately, so you might need a new one sooner than later.

The big downfall (that i can see) about a desktop is that (other than not being able to take it to other rooms in the house) you wont able to travel with it and potentially blog about trips as you are on them (which is a conversation you adn I had about an hour ago)

Alicia Kennedy said...

good point. As a plus though we'll still have our current laptop.... but all things to consider.