
Come on! You can do it!

A few months back I got overly excited when I realized that Jude was beginning to reach for his toys.

I immediately ran out and bought a few of the Lamazee plush toys I love and some fun electronic "learning" toys. I would dangle them in front of Jude and he'd reach for them and I'd think it was the cutest thing in the world.

One of the items I bought around this time was the "learn and crawl" ball. It was a 6+ month toy, but I couldn't resist (he was roughly 3 months at the time). Up until recently I would sit it in front of Jude, push the buttons, wiggle it around and just try to get his attention. As with most other toys though, he is not very interested.

I stopped trying for awhile until about a week ago when I thought I'd pull some of this stuff out. I woudl throw random toys down and see how he responded and I generally got the same response. If it wasn't his fist, his activity mat or his exo-saucer, he didn't want anything to do with it.

Anyway - I put the ball down the other day and turned it on. I pushed the buttons a couple of times and let it play out as it usually does. Typically if I stop activating it for him, after a few seconds it would just put itself into sleep mode. After I walked away, I wasn't giving him my 100% attention and I noticed after a little while that the ball will still making noises. Jude was not exactly using the ball to it's full potential, but he was tapping it just enough to get it going again. After hitting it, he'd stare at it for a few seconds with his fist in his mouth, totally amazed that this thing would make so much noise.

I also got some videos of him playing with it, but am having a hard time uploading them (apparently I need a firewire???) so i thought the pictures would do for now.


barbie said...

oh a video - exciting!!

and good for jude!!! yay