
Opinions Needed...

So I'm very torn about whether or not I'm in love with the fact that I have short hair.

Sometimes I look at it and love it! Other time I think it's OK or that it needs to be just a little shorter. As I told Katy yesterday, I sometimes feel like wolverine because when I style my hair it points out in a feathered-like way. Other times I just really wish I could have my long hair back again...

I'm adding a poll on the side of my blog and would love for everyone to vote.

Should I:

A. Go a little shorter like this image (I'm specifically referring to Ellen's hair style, but Hilary Swanks isn't bad either although I think hers is about my length). This will cut the style around my ears a little more and create less of a 'feathered' look.

B. Keep my hair as is. It looks wonderful there's no reason to get it cut unless you're getting a trim.

C. Grow it out to pony-tail length as it has been forever. Once it gets longer than re-evaluate the two options above specifically to donate the hair as was hoped with this hair cut.

D. Grow it out and keep it look. You look dumb with short hair.

Polls will close 1 week from today.


barbie said...

i love that you added a poll! you know how i love giving my 2 cents. but this is a tough one....

Anonymous said...

You look fine, you just have to figure out a style that works for you. I do like Hillary Swanks style though... Having your ears cut out is a little old lady ish.