Oh... trying to conceive sex. It could just be because we had just gotten married... experienced the most amazing honeymoon and were no longer had the stress of saving for a wedding, but trying to conceive sex was... GREAT sex. We never expected to have a baby too soon after getting married, but something changed while in Costa Rica. We pretty much threw birth control to the wind and said we'd see what happened. The last day of our honeymoon, I got my period and I'll be honest and say that we were ever so mildly disappointed.
Perhaps what made Trying to Conceive Sex better was that we were passively trying to conceive. We weren't really charting periods, testing for ovulation or trying very long, so it was just fun. For once in our life we could have sex protection free! Through the years I had tried a few hormonal methods of birth control and was never happy with the way they made me feel so we were always condom people - but not anymore.
After our 'trying on a whim' experience in Costa Rica, Ryan and I came home and had a real 'discussion' about babies. We decided that if it was something that happened, we'd both be thrilled. I didn't want things to become scientific or routine, so we never admitted to each other (or told anyone else really) that we were actively trying to have a baby. We kept saying we would "see what happens" while telling friends and family it was years down the road.
In the meantime I made an appointment with my OB and we discussed what I should be doing as a woman to prepare my body for pregnancy in the event that something did happen. I was put on prenatal vitamins and told to enjoy it. I had a rough time line in my head every month of the "key days" that I could get pregnant, but I honestly don't think I ever out right had sex on one day or another specifically to get pregnant. I was also fortunate that I'm a pretty regular gal. Every 28-29 days I'd get my period which made it very easy to know when I was ovulating.
We tried for a couple of months and then late one early August night I believe we conceived our son. I could be wrong - it could have been a few days before or a few days after, but as far as timing is concerned...
My main point with this post is this: Enjoy trying to conceive! You read/hear about so many people who have difficulties trying to conceive. They try for months, years... without success at which point I'm imagining things can become routine and mundane. Out pop the ovulation testers, then come the fertility doctors... it can just become so stressful. Save the worrying and charting and scientifics of it all for later on down the road if things just don't happen. Enjoy the good sex while it lasts!
Stay tuned for the next portion: Pregnancy Sex.
Part 1: Trying To Conceive Sex
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