
This Whole Crawling Thing...

Now, Jude's been fairly mobile with his rolling for a little while now. He'll tumble about the living room and it's adorable. But recently...

Every day he gets the crawling thing more and more. If there's something he see and he wants, he'll go get it. For example the other day he was playing in the middle of the floor with his toys and decided he wanted mommy (who was sitting on the couch) and he crawled/scooted his way over to me and basically tried to crawl up my leg. I loved every second of it. I think if he had the ability, he would have stood up on his own to get me.

Instead he looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes...

... and smiled

Then earlier today, he's playing in the middle of the floor while I'm in the kitchen doing whatever and all the sudden I hear a noise on the hardwood floors. Not that I wasn't paying attention to him, but within a short period of time he had gone from the middle of the floor to the hardwoods where he was just looking at me. I give him a big smile and say something along the lines of "what are you doing!!" and he just giggles. It was adorable - and amazing that he covered a considerable distance so quickly.

Finally... tonight Ryan and I were playing with him on the floor. All of his toys are kept relatively cleaned up and we only take them out when he's playing. His jeep walker is kept up against the wall in it's personal space. Well, some of Jude's toys were scattered around him, but I guess he decided he wanted the walker instead. He rolled/crawled/tumbled his way over to it propped himself up on the bottom section where the wheels are. Then, he was getting frustrated because he wanted to play with the toys on the top, so he was reaching up trying to grab onto the top section where the seat/toys are. I eventually helped him out and he was thrilled. I was within arms reach for the whole event, but for the most part he was supporting himself by leaning on the top. He just fell in love with playing with himself in the mirror. Who can blame him?

I'll also note that at our most recent check up, the doctor mention walkers and exosaucers and suggested using them as little as possible. He told us specifically that tummy time was best. Since then he's spent very little time in either of these and it could just be coincidence, but I think I attribute that to some of his more recent progress. He didn't spend an excessive amount of time in them before... but he's been spending less. This is also why I decided to let Jude hang on to it on his own rather than putting him in the seat - I figured supporting himself rather than having the seat surround him might be best... I could just be telling myself that, but who knows.

he's on a mission to get something... and I think it was my camera...

My boys...

It's so crazy how exponentially they grow. You wait and wait and wait for them to do something and then ALL OF THE SUDDEN they're doing everything. He's unstoppable and I love it!

Question: Not "on topic" at all. But if you hadn't noticed from the pictures, when we're hanging around the house, Jude's chillin' in his diaper a lot. This started happening around the time we began putting Jude on the potty. I always hated kids who didn't have clothes on (and still would never carry Jude around without clothes in public) but am caring less and less now. For example, I don't think our new neighbors have seen Jude fully clothed yet. It seems every time we run into them while I'm outside with Buddy or something, he's pant-less or something. Opinions? What are some things you see parents do that drive you crazy?


Julie said...

just wait till he starts stripping off all his clothes and wanting to run around the house naked! hehe Before I was a parent I hated those parents who had screaming kids going through the grocery store or maybe at a restaurant. it drove me crazy! now sometimes I am that parent!

barbie said...

I feel like people judge me for not having shoes on my sons feet (especially now that its getting colder out) - but i just have very little desire to put them on his feet unless we're going someplace special, or if they look exceptionally cute with a particular outfit. They are just so pointless and look so uncomforatable when on Trent. call me lazy....

Alicia Kennedy said...

Lazy. Totally Kidding. Jude has like 4-5 pair of shoes and I ALWAYS put the same pair on him. Specifically because they are they only ones that stay on his feet (they tie).

today though, I took him out in one of the pair that fall off. Within seconds they fell off and I agree, i felt totally 'judged' by the people around me for not having them on him (and of course his socks were not staying on either)... but whatever.