
A new kind of super hero

I once had a fear of security blankets, pacifiers, favorite stuffed animals... and all those other things that kids get attached to.

Then, Jude became a thumb sucker. While I think it's quite adorable and he seems to love it, as we've discussed, there's this little thing in the back of my head that says "remember that girl in 7th grade who used to suck her thumb???". But I push this little voice to the back of my head and relish in the glory of my wonderful baby boy who sucks his thumb and is oh so amazing. His ability to sooth himself or put himself back to sleep when he just slightly wakes up is just perfect. His pudgy fingers curled up in a fist connected to his rubber band wrists is just priceless. Then of course, there's the most adorable moments when he'll coyly smile at you mid-suck: finger still in mouth hiding his bashful little grin (and then follows that little treasure of a moment with a head butt into my chest to hide his face). It's sure to make you melt.

But thumb sucking was not the complete purpose of this post. It's that other security blanket that Jude has found. It's the comfort food/pillow/source of nutrition that I carry around with me every where I go. My breasts.

I'm not sure at what point exactly, but within the past couple of months, Jude has gained an uncanny reflex that begins with me picking him up. Once he is snuggly in my arms, thumb goes in his mouth and hand goes down my shirt (see above photo). No longer is using my chest as a pillow sufficient. Sucking me dry every 2 hours is just not enough. He will nuzzle his little hand right into my cleavage (or if he's feeling really frisky try to find his way to the nipple and pinch) and either let it just sit there or even fondle around a little. Turtlenecks are not longer a fashion statement, they are his Achilles Heal.

This is a little... uncomfortable(?) from time to time. People without a doubt have noticed and just chuckle at it and make the standard "typical boy" or "he knows where his food comes from" jokes. However, this reflex of his has gone beyond when mommy picks him up. Now, just about anyone/thing with breasts that picks Jude up, gets a good ol' fondling.

Apparently he was at my mother in laws the other day and she made a bit of a stink about it and he would just laugh every time she tried to stop him. Apparently he thought it was just the finniest thing in the world. But, it's not only my mother in law, but the waitress who just HAD to scoop him up... my mother... and countless other women. He has a superpower that most men would kill to have. He has the ability fondle women's breasts whenever he wants and have it come off as 'sweet' or 'silly' or just plain adorably awkward. He now has the nickname "Boob Man" from my father in law.

Is it wrong to now wish he had an actual security BLANKET? At least for the sake of his nickname?


Alicia said...

This was a really cute post, I had to comment :-) We were originally anti-binky parents when Matthew was born, but my mother-in-law kindly let me know that I was a cruel, terrible mother for denying him his natural urge to suck on something. I and my brother both sucked our thumbs for a long time - I stopped once I started school, but my brother still does it from time to time (AND HE HAS TWO DAUGHTERS NOW). My teeth actually started to go crooked because of it and it was only by some miracle that they went straight again. But that was my worry with Matt. I've always had a bit of a thing for small babies with binkies so I know what you mean about knowing it might have a downfall, but still being a sucker for how cute it is. We've caught Matt with his thumb in his mouth at two completely random times, but it never stuck. And contrary to what a lot of people have warned us about, it hasn't been too terribly difficult to start weaning him from. We did catch him once with his two front fingers in his mouth and I immidiately put a stop to it. That is where this mom draws the line.

Also, the youngest of the boys that I nanny for is a boob grabber lol. For some reason, whenever I would hold him (which is often) he'd carelessly try to tuck his hand in my shirt, almost as if he were tyring to get comfy or something. Then one time his mom noticed me gently redirecting it like I always did and told me that he's just always done that to everybody.

Matthew, on the other hand - will just look at another woman's cleavage with big, goggly eyes and just reach over to actually squeeze them. Don't ask me.

Lorraine Renee' said...

this is so ironic that you posted this. As you may have heard she has also found her thumb! But not only that, she is a cleavage girl too. As I am sitting here reading your blog with Brooklyn on my shoulder she has her hand down my t-shirt. I guess it's not just a boy thing huh? Must be a breastfeeding thing. She does it to my Mom too. So funny! I just had to comment! Our babies must be on the same wavelength or something :o)

My friends daughter is two and she just pulls down my shirt too see. LOL and gropes all women.

barbie said...

I have never heard of a baby using a boob as a comfort item (aside from comfort sucking and nursing of course) and I think it's hilarious and adorable all at once!