
9 Month Check Up

This morning was Jude's 9 month check up. We're a couple of days ahead of schedule... so I won't be taking his 9 month photo for a couple of days.

I believe I've mentioned Jude was on a bit of a sleep boycott for awhile. Well, the past week or so, he got back where he used to be and so this morning went oh-so-smoothly. We were up around 7:00, did our usual shower/dress/breakfast routine and got out the door with plenty of time to spare.

The visit went pretty typically. He got weighed, doctor check him out. He is healthy and developing nicely. He has a small cyst on part of his foreskin, but apparently this is common and will eventually reabsorb itself. The doctor seriously mentioned the little bit of crusty-ness around Jude's nose like 3 times. He kept saying "it's normal for a 9 month old" but it started to give me a complex like he was saying "why haven't you wiped it off??" (when really - Jude hates when i pick at him.... so, I chose my battles and crusties are just not that important).

Also, he got his Hep. B shot. I was again basically shunned for still declining the Flu shot and H1N1... but whatever. The one shot he did get, went sooo well! I braced myself for a crying baby and had it set in my mind that I'd nurse him after it was all done. Well, I held him in my arms as she pinched his chunky thigh and stuck the needle in. I swear to you, when she was done, he looked at me, looked at her and then back at me with this "what the hell is this crazy bitch doing" look on his face. Not a tear, not a whine, nothing. It was priceless.

Afterwards we went into the doctor's office (which I'm now aware is standard procedure). We talked about household, pets, food, milestones, etc. I had made mention to the doctor that Jude was on his sleep boycott, so I got a whole lecture about not going in to get him when he wakes up, because it only reinforces the behavior. I knew at that moment I shouldn't have even brought it up. While I get where he's coming from, to some degree I just don't agree. Within the last week or so Jude has gotten himself back into his normal sleep routine without us having him cry it out or anything.... so I now personally think either way he will sleep when he wants to sleep. I could be wrong, but it seems like he will be awake for 5 minutes while I'm holding him or he'll be awake for 5 minutes while he's crying it out (or fussing it out... he doesn't usually cry in the middle of the night). Personally, I'd rather be holding him. I didn't bring this up to the doctor, I just smiled and nodded.

We had the sleep conversation BEFORE the food conversation, so I decided I'd just 'leave out some details' when we started to talk about Jude's diet. I had mentioned at the last appointment that Jude was doing Baby Led Weaning and my doctor said he really thought spoon feeding was a good idea. So, this time when he mentioned that Jude could start more finger foods, I just decided to keep my mouth shut that he's been on them from the start. I got the OK for dairy and meats, which I had already started and was told that he should also be working on drinking from a cup. Currently, Jude will take sips out of MY cup and has on a handful of occasions used a sippy cup - so he's on track.

His Stats:
height: 27 1/2"
weight: 17.14lbs
Head Circ: 17 1/2"

All of which is on track with where he's been, falling just below average, which is to be expected since neither Ryan nor I are large people. He said he's growing very well and is a great size/proportions.

After his appointment, we made a day of it and I got my hair trimmed and we had a lunch together. Just another lovely day with little-man.


barbie said...

it sounds to me like your pediatrician is not the right fit for your family.

Alicia Kennedy said...

I also feel that way from time to time, but there are also things I like about him/them.

While part of me is annoyed when he seems to oppose some of the choices I make, part of me likes that while there are standards he confronts me with, it's our choice as parents to decide ultimately what's right for us. Which to this point we have. I think I'd be more concerned if I had a doctor telling me everything I was doing was right. Perhaps the most annoying part of seeing them is that our doctor doesnt budge much and doesn't seem to recognize that while we're doing things a little differently... it still has the same end result. But really, I don't speak up much (if at all) so it could be just as much me.

Their primary function is baby well visits. I don't really go to the visits for parenting advice, I go to see that he's growing, gets his shots and make sure developmentally he's where he needs to be... which they are successful in doing.

I've considered looking around for other pediatricians, but always come to the conclusion that there's no reason, right now, why I really need to. That's not to say we never will switch - just not now.

barbie said...

i totally get what you're saying....and you're only going to see him less and less as time passes at this point.

I find it interesting that I go to the same practice but my pediatrician does things differently and has different views (not saying it's bad at all, just interesting....). Actually, ive seen 2 different pediatricians there and I found that they had opposing views on a few things.

ANd like you said, at least he takes what you have to say into consideration. my girlfriend just took her son for his 1 year visit and before she had a chance to stop them they had given him a flu shot and an h1n1 shot - neithr of which she wanted. She specifically did not want them!

I would have.....well, i dont know what I would have done.

barbie said...

been PISSED to say the least