

The day after Christmas, Ryan and I woke up to a wonderful surprise.

We were laying in bed and all of the sudden Jude threw up. Not just your standard spit up that we'd grown accustomed to, but projectile vomiting. It was still that light milky color, but there was still something different.

I didn't really worry too much. He had just had two very busy days and I assumed he was over whelmed or something. Then of course i also considered that it was possible that he was teething. There are a million things that people associate with teething, and throwing up is one of the things that I've heard.

So we cleaned up his little mess and moved on with out morning. Then it hit me. I should check his mouth for a tooth - so i did. What do you know... there it was. This little bitty piece of a pearly white just making it's way out of his gums.

While I was excited, I was also sad. I love, love, love Jude's goofy little gummy smile. I love tickling his tiny little belly and having him open his mouth as wide as possible as he laughs to his heart's content. But of course, I will grow to love his not-so-toothless smile just as much.

Already, he's beginning to do something adorable as a result of his little buddy. From time to time, I'll catch him running his tongue along the top it. I'm sure it's a new and interesting feeling for him.

I'm very curious to see how quickly the rest of them come in and I'm even more curious to see how teeth begin to work with breast feeding. I still have 4 months left until I'll be ready to start the weening process, so I'm hoping he's not much of a biter.

I haven't been able to get a picture yet... sorry.


Katy said...

Throw up doesn't sound like a very wonderful think to wake up to if you ask me...