
Another 101 Update:

I will be/already have elaborated a little more on each of these, but here are so updates... December's been a busy month!:

3. Photograph someone and get paid for it. - check!

13. Make a seasonal dessert each season for one year (4 desserts total) that I have never made before. 2 down (raspberry, apple) - I plan to make something peppermint or ginger for winter.

................... I had SPECIFICALLY made gingerbread men for Christmas this year for my seasonal dessert but just now realized it had to be something I hadn't made before... I still have time.

27. Remodel and decorate our living room - sooo close! while replacing the receptacles which was the last part, ryan knicked our molding and now we need to replace it to officially cross this off! In addition, before crossing this off, I want to touch up some spots on the walls)

...................I filled some holes and just need to sand/paint them... ryan put in the receptacle... just waiting on the trim.

56. Host a holiday gathering at our house for our families.

31. Subscribe to two magazines (one for me and one for Ryan) and the news journal

.......... with the Amazon gift card I got, I ordered a subscription of Real Simple for me and Popular Science for Ryan... just need to get the News Journal.


barbie said...

you are well on your way!!!! go team A