More About Me...

My name is Alicia. It sounds Spanish/Italian. But I'm far from either.

I went to the University of Delaware, got a degree and have done nothing with it. Instead, I quit my full time job after having my son and now, I work part time at a local home improvement store. It's not something I love doing. It's not something I'll be doing forever. It's not something I'm proud to say I do. But it's what I do. I do it to spend the days with my adorable son, I do it to keep him out of daycare and I do it to keep our house. :)

Speaking of our house, it's a construction zone. We upgraded from our starter home in September of 2008 into this house, which is our 'forever' house. While we'd love to do it all now, it's impossible. Instead, we remind ourselves daily that we have the rest of our lives to make it what we want.

Who is this 'we' I'm talking about? Well, it's me and my husband. My Ryan. The man who both drives me crazy and can make me laugh simultaneously. The man who gave me some of his boy bits to mix with my girl bits to make the other part of 'we': Jude. The other love of my life. The single person who makes my heart melt daily. And then there's Buddy. The once semi-energetic, now lazy 70lb dog who also takes up residence in our home. We together form one simple functioning unit.