
Breaking the Chain: Restaurant Edition

It all started last week.

It was Friday night, we were hungry and I didn't want to cook. You see, typically I don't mind it, but it's nothing for me to get in a little rut and decide "no, I'm not cooking". Well, that's what Friday was. So, that sparked the conversation that we always have when it comes to not cooking: "Well, where do you want to eat?". Of course it's a mini battle of "I don't care - where do you want to eat", where we both mention a place, say "anywhere but there" and after 30 minutes we still haven't gotten anywhere. I'm not sure if that's what this conversation is like it other homes, but that's ALWAYS how it is in our house.

I'm pretty sure I suggested Applebee's which is one of those fall-back places we have listed in the back of our minds that we both seem to agree on - and Ryan made 'that face' that implies disagreement, but he's willing to suck it up. Then it hit - "why not Klondike Kate's?". Kate's is a local bar/restaurant that is literally five minutes from our house that I'm pretty sure we have never eaten at as a family. I've had dinner/lunch there a few times and Ryan's done the bar scene there, but that's it. So, we went.

We walk in and instantly I knew it was a good idea. There was live music, some businessmen at the bar, families and college kids filled the tables and - for once - it was something other than applebee's/friendly's/friday's. The table we got was a corner booth with names etched in the top, the base of the table was an old sewing machine pedal and it was just so much more 'cool' than the standard chains. So, it was decided: Friday is officially "Kennedy Eating-Out Night". But the catch is that it has to be somewhere local. In addition to this getting us out of our chain-food rut, it'll give me a night off from cooking to look forward to, to break some of those mid-week meals out.

As a follow up, we went to Iron Hill for dinner tonight. It was again, one of the nicest dinners I've had, and not because the food was good. We literally were at our table eating and talking (we had some company!) for two hours. We sampled their in-house brews, chatted over appetizers and passed around pieces of our meals for other to try. It surpassed just eating and became a social event. It might sound like I'm making dinner more than it needs to be, but with a kid, social events outside the home are sometimes hard to come by (except for the onslaught of baby playdates that are available). I'm already looking forward to next week's night out!