
A Walk

Jude and I have been trying to pretty regularly go to a nature walk at a local park. For the most part we make it. The lady who runs the program walks us through a park on various trails, points out different trees and plants and foot prints and animals. She lets the kids touch and explore and in general become familiar with the world around them. It's an understatement to say that I'm learning just as much as Jude is on these weekly walks.

The other day, we decided to take a family walk. It started with the intent to explore just the neighborhood and get Buddy out of the house and evolved into a much longer walk through an adjoining park. The park has a trail that enters into our neighborhood and goes down along a creek and spits you out at the park's main entrance.

We walked the distance along the creek. Stopped to point various plants out to Jude, I explained trail markers to Ryan and he he explained pirate ships and lost treasure to Jude (which of course is all buried under the two feet of water we're walking along side). We passed a little 'beach' and Ryan talked about how a few years from now, Jude will come down there with his friends... with a wild imagination, and create a fantasy world all his own.

That night we got home later than we anticipated. Dinner was quick. We were all tired. But Ryan and I both agreed that it was worth it.