
Egg Hunt

For the past few holidays, a group of friends and I have been getting together to celebrate with kids at my house (ironic, right? considering Ryan and I's love of the holidays!). For Halloween the kids came in costumes, for Christmas some were dressed in their holiday (second) best, for Easter there was even an Easter bonnet.

We typically try to keep it fairly simple. We order pizza and pretty much just let the kids play. We typically do a lot of things with the kids that have a little more structure, so it's nice every now and then to just let them go free. This time we decided to also do an Egg Hunt and made some Rice Krispie Treat Eggs. One friend with a itty bitty newborn (only a matter of a couple weeks old now) even made it out to spend the afternoon with us. All in all it was a great time.

Last year for the egg hunt we took Jude to, he only half understood what the goal was. This year he grabbed two baskets and really went for it. He kept saying "mommy, balls!" (or maybe he was saying 'mommy more!' - the two sounds basically the same coming out of his mouth). It's so cute to watch the little munchkin grow.

But either way, it was a cute little get together the Friday before Easter.


Nicole Douglas said...

it was really cool! I love our holiday playdates at Alicia's! Mostly bc it's easy and fun, but partially bc of the irony! LOL!