
Little Fish

This is a post I started awhile ago and never posted... I'm going to miss the summer :(

My daring little child has REALLY discovered the water this year.

There was a time I considered putting Jude in swim lessons. Jude will be in water, I don't want him to drown - he should LEARN to swim. But then I started thinking about how I learned to swim... it was in my grandparents pool - with my parents - with my grandparents - with my siblings and cousins, etc. But like every other part of parenting, I mildly panicked. I of course know how to swim, but as with reading, writing, and everything else, I wasn't 100% positive it was something I could TEACH someone else to do. I've always just done it, without even thinking about the steps that it takes. But I stuck to it and decided that Jude (and our future child) would in fact learn to swim in my grandparents pool.

Last year we visited the pool a handful of times. He held on dearly and we supported him. We'd dunk him from time to time, we'd float him out from us and let him hold himself up on our fingers, we'd support his belly and encourage him to kick... and while he seemed not to be afraid of the water, he still needed us. But at that age, it was mostly about him getting familiar with the idea. Not being afraid and knowing that we were there for him.

This year, the first trip to the pool was very similar. He clung to me for support. He held on to my fingers as he floated in front of me and I encouraged him to kick (telling him over and over again that 'kicking is the most important part!'). By his second trip to the pool any hesitation was lost. He had no fear and was ready to take off. He longed for the deep end of the pool. He wanted to go off on his own, but he had yet to learn how to swim. So, we got him some floaties for his arms.

At first he clung to those floating noodles to keep his head above water in addition to having the arm floaties on. Then he grasped the concept of kicking and the noodles became optional - but he rarely strayed from my side. But now? Now that we've made more trips to the pool? He's a pro.

Today, for the first time, I put him in the pool 'by himself'. Meaning, I was not in my bathing suit. We stopped by my grandmother's to say hello and he thought it meant swimming time. There was no way I could leave without him getting in. So, I sat on the edge of the pool (fully prepared for the idea that I MIGHT have to sacrifice my dry clothes if he got stranded in the middle of the pool or took on too much water) and waited to see what he would do.

He eagerly climbed down the steps into the water and took off. With the floaties making up for his lack of upper body strength, he used his little legs to navigate the pool. He couldn't care less that no one was around him and he had no problem swimming out and then making his way back to the steps when he needed a break. Needless to say I was a proud mom. Once again, I proved to myself that I am capable of teaching - and Jude proved to me that he is a receptive learner.

I'd say by next year we'll be working on the breast stroke and flip turns... what do you think? (yes, that was sarcasm).