
Our Snow Day(s)

The past few weeks we've been getting snow - and more snow - and even more snow.

I regret to say that we really haven't been getting out in the snow to play the way I'd hoped... but we did get out a little and Jude is warming up to it. Each day after playing in the snow, I'd bring Jude inside, we'd make some homemade hot chocolate and just enjoy each others company for the rest of the day.

Ryan had work so, it was strictly mommy and baby time. As a little 'treat' for Ryan, I tried to tackle some of the shoveling on my own. This is usually his job, and he actually ended up getting a good bit done before even leaving in the morning - but since I'm home all day, it's the least I could do.

He refused to wear his gloves, but was willing to give mine a try
He wanted to help daddy with the shoveling too

As for the snow though. Jude initially seemed skeptical. I think the layers of clothes were a major turn off and the boots that seemed to adjust the way he walked a little just added to the problems. Plus, I kept trying to coax him to play with the snow and since he refused to wear gloves, that of course only lead to more discomfort.

By the second day though, he warmed up to the idea of being bundled up (and we actually took a few layers off to help him out) and seemed to get the walking down. So, he still didn't exactly climb through the snow, but he walked around and seemed to take the while atmosphere in.

I'm pretty sure his favorite part was putting Craisin freckles on his snowman's belly... or when I shook the tree branches and tons of snow came tumbling off.

As with everything we do, I look forward to how he'll be in future years. I feel like this is something he's going to love!


Katy said...

These pictures are great. Especially the one of him staring up into the sky(also your title picture), his "O" face, and the close-up of his face with his chubby little cheeks. I love that boy.