
Roll the ball like this.... Roll the ball like that...

So, weeks have come and gone and so has my inability to blog about anything significant - but once again, change has come over the Kennedy household and likewise, we've been busy!

First of all, Jude has been spending a tremendous amount of time with his mommom lately. My grandmother is 'sick' (not getting into details) and as a result, my mom is up from north carolina almost constantly visiting and staying with her. Most days that she's here, she of course wants to see Jude. We've been able to include her in some of our day trips and she's really enjoying it! For example, recently we took her with us to Tot Skate! She thought it was the coolest thing EVER!

Other than a lot of mommom being around, we had a lot of Chloe and Bailey. Well, that has officially ended. I was beginning to remember why it was that I quit my job to stay at home in the first place: to spend time with Jude, to let him see the world, to soak up every second of this age. Well, I wasn't able to do that as often with three kids to watch, so I quit. I'm looking forward to this spring and getting back out of the house more and going to parks, playgrounds and play dates!

Other than that, life has been a lot of this, a little of that and that's about it.

The other day, we took Jude bowling, which was a 'first' in his book. It was later than expected when we got there, which was disappointing, because I don't think he was able to enjoy it AS much while being tired, but he still seemed to be into it! He was excited to pick up his little 6lb ball and push it down the little kid rolling thing. He totally got the idea of watching it go down the lane, knock down the pins and doing it all over again. He played with the little hand-drying vent thing, he eagerly waited for the ball to roll up the ball catch and much more. I'm pretty sure it's something we'll do with him again on a lazy evening.