
His Nerd Senses are Tingling

Ryan is a closet (or perhaps public?) nerd. He's into all things lame, like Star Wars, Superman, Batman, etc. I don't just mean 'into them' in the current way that all guys are into Batman and Superman with the new movies out - but into them in the "I have boxes of comic books and figurines upstairs" kind of way. Into them in the "As a special treat we went to the comic book convention in New York and it cost us a lot of money" kind of way.

So, needless to say, regardless of how much we want keep Jude away from TV, there are just some exceptions to the rule. Those exceptions are Star Wars movies (and later Batman, Superman - etc.).

The other night, we didn't have much going on, but Ryan wanted to introduce Jude to the world of dork. So, we started by getting some ice cream take out, cuddled up on the couch and popped in [insert name of a star wars movie here].

Jude was totally transfixed on the screen the whole time and of course loved me to pieces for the ice cream. I'm not sure if it was the movie of the fact that he was awake while the TV was on that had him mesmerized, but either way, I could tell it was a good night.


Alicia said...

You probably have already noticed, but I’m kind of a slacker mom in that way. I never made my own homemade babyfood or sheltered Matthew from T.V. or any of those other things responsible moms do lol… (or that I will probably do this time around)... But one thing I do really believe in is the importance of a solid father/son relationship for little boys, and sometimes the things they bond over are just different than what we would choose for it to be if it were up to us moms. But that’s what makes it special between them. For our father/son duo, it’s classic horror movies. Chucky, Freddy… That’s right. I’ve tried to fight him on it. I’ve tried to tell my husband that there are moms who shield their children from watching Dora like it’s the Spice channel who would call me a terrible mother for knowing that my son sits down with his father and watches stuff like this, lol. But it's their thing, so I have no say. I'm just gonna have to focus on trying to save Scarlett I guess... So be grateful it’s only Star Wars!

Alicia Kennedy said...

LOL, I have no problem with him watching it - aside from the fact that I can't get over just how LAME it is.

Ryan's already talking about the Indiana Jones anniversary and how he's hoping they'll re-release them all in theatre so that they can go and get a huge tub of popcorn and watch them all start to finish.

I'm sure I'll be planning a trip to the mall or something that day. LOL

Katy said...

Haha this is awesome! I can't wait to see how this kid grows up with all that he's being introduced to.