
Our Second Trip to the DE Museum of Natural History

Over the summer I took Jude to the Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH) and the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. The first of the two I did on whim while trying to hit some local spots and the second I did because he was smitten by the dinosaurs at the first. Now, I'm pretty sure dinosaurs are just something that little boys are into - and I like to feed any interest he has - no matter how small. So, he's acquired a couple dinosaur t-shirts and I tell Ryan how I'd love to take him to one of those dino-dig sites.

But anyway - when we were bored one day, I took him back to the DMNH. First of all, 3 and under are free, and adults are only something like $5, so it's a really cheap day out in my opinion. It's a pretty small museum, but I guess that's what one can expect in a pretty small state.

I was curious to see his reaction to the dino's this time around and he sure didn't let me down. He was just as interested - if not more. The best part is that he is so much more mobil and into things that he was like 6 months ago, so it was a whole new experience for him.

When we were in one particular section, some little boys were playing and it's so cute to see him try and make friends with the kids around him. He'll stare from a distance, inch closer, stare some more... inch closer... until either they run off or welcome him. It's adorable and makes my little heart melt.

He again loved the coral exhibit under the floor and was totally transfixed on the african plains display that made noises.

It's so exciting to see him grow and learn.


Alicia said...

Matthew loves this place. We've gone a few times, and he gets more out of it everytime. I can't wait to take Matthew to a dino-dig... I didn't know they had them anywhere in the area. I'll have to look into that!

Alicia Kennedy said...

"In the area" to me is kind of the US - I'd love to make a road trip and hit a ton of stuff dino-related along the way. The US has tons in the way of dinosaurs!

I'm pretty sure Virginia has a 'dino land' or something... new york has a dig site... but I really want to head out west to colorado/wyoming.