
A Journey Back in Time

Last Friday we were promised amazing weather. weather men everywhere swore up and down that we'd have gorgeous near-70-degree weather and sunshine. Or at least that's what I thought... when looking at the weather app on my iphone.

Where the Journey was SUPPOSED to begin
(side note: to the right of this building, around the back is where Ryan proposed to me... awww, so sweet)

Either way, I was planning for this amazing weather and put together a fun day for Jude outdoors in Historic New Castle. I planned a tour of the old court house, a little time running around 'the green' and some free time on the playground near by. Well, we got there and the court house was closed for a private tour... and the weather wasn't nearly as festive as I'd hoped for a run around the green. I was bummed. But we made the best of it.

picking at the rocks... dirt... whatever.

We started by stopping in to some of the little shops along the main street and I happened to come across a map of the town that allowed you to do your own little walking tour. Having faith that my child would be down for the whole walk, we set off. We basically walked around the main block (quite a hike for a little tot like I have). I read the description of each building, pointed things out to Jude and in general was very encouraging about the whole thing. Jude could care less about the buildings, didn't listen to a word I said about the history, but seemed to have an awesome time just wandering around! He find just about every bit of mud in the area, picked up rock after rock to carry and throw, wanted to run through the old grave yard and made friends with another little girl who was also out on a walk with her parents.

The library - one of the many things that close for the winter :(

The pretty awesome old graveyard. Would have been awesome to walk through if it wasn't so muddy...

On the last leg of our trip Jude began to lose interest in the trip and at one point just stopped and sat down in the middle of the sidewalk. I took that as my cue to cut the history short and walk towards the beginning of our path. We were waiting for friends to show up, so we stopped in a local store and my ears got talked off by the owner who was all TOO eager to show me all the quaint little corners of her store and I took the first opportunity to leave. I must say though that she was very friendly and had some very nice art work and other trinkets to sell.

Losing interest...

A cool old wall? Interest officially lost.

Upon arriving at the park, it was still over cast and our company decided to skip the park, so we too headed to the car and off to finish other errands lined up for the day.