
Tot Skate

Pretty much every week now I've been taking Jude to the local roller rink for 'tot skate'. I'm pretty sure I talked about this before. It's a lesson, free skate, story time and cookie all in one - for just five bucks! I had little interest at first, but after taking Jude the first time, I was pretty hooked.

A couple of weeks ago Ryan had a half day at work and so he was able to join us. I'm pretty sure Jude loved the idea of daddy being there.

Last week, Jude seemed to make leaps and bounds of progress in his skating. Typically he'll hover around me. Let go a little, skate off a little come back and beg to be picked up after a short period of time. But last week, he took to it swimmingly - and I thank the cones.

Jude's friend's joined him too

He saw a little girl skating a head of him and she was skating over these little traffic cones they had set up. I'm pretty sure they are really there for you to weave in and out of, but he decided that skating over them was just SO much cooler. His poor little legs were JUST tall enough to get over the cones and so he struggled a little getting his legs spread enough and keeping enough speed to clear it, but it was adorable. I'm pretty sure the only thing that drug him away was cookie time.

"Can I take this one home?"

holding up the line...