
Spring Fever

I have had a bad case of spring fever for quite a few months now. Since this weather decided to take the turn from gorgeous, crisp fall days to harsh cold winter days, I've been itching for the sunshine. It doesn't help that over the course of the winter I've been scrapbooking last year and all of the fun warm weather activities we took part in. Every time I look at a picture of us at the park or Jude playing outside, I swoon.

Well, mother nature decided to grace us with some gorgeous warm February days! All week we've had weather ranging from manageable to amazing. I'm pretty sure I haven't pulled a coat out of my closet all week! I'm loving ever minute of it. I was thrilled to be able to get Jude out doors for his Nature Program on Monday followed by a bit of fun in the front yard afterwards.

Tuesday we were out and about for tot skate and then took the very short walk next door to Pizza Hut for lunch. Then today was the climax of the week with a nice long walk to Main Street and lunch on the deck at Klondike Kate's. I'm just hoping that this isn't just a tease and that the 30's don't coming rolling back through our weather forecast because I'm not sure I could handle the disappointment.

I'm already making a mental list of the things I want to do, places I want to take Jude and so much more! Who's on board?!