
April Photo Phun

Earlier this month, I had what some might call a 'craving' - to me it was a desire. My brother was over talking about his day trip to the beach and that got me thinking. It got me thinking about beach french fries, salty air, ice cream on the boardwalk and Candy Kitchen. But mostly, it got me thinking about the french fries. It was only a matter of two days before I let Ryan know I would be taking a trip to the beach for the day with Jude.

We got french fries:

And enjoyed the sand...

and the 'birds'...
A funny story about our trip: We refer to water as "juice". When Jude asks for juice, we give him water - he really sees no difference in it. Occasionally he'll actually want juice and occasionally he'll actually get juice, but typically, he gets water. Well, when walking out on the beach, Jude sees the massive ocean spread out in front of him and he starts screaming... and running towards the ocean saying "JUICE! Mommy! JUICE!". My heart skipped a beat.

This past week, we had a fun little Saturday. In addition to a rained-out spring party at my brother's we had a 1st birthday party to attend. Jude was a little too young to hit the pinata, but he seemed to know just what to do when it popped!

When we got to my brother's later in the day, he remember the fun he had previously on the drums. I say he just enjoys beating things, but apparently he's pretty good.

Right now Ryan is on a 1.5-2 month night work shift. While it's throwing off our schedule quite a bit, it's nice that he will occasionally be able to join us for some weekly activities (and help me out when I'm feeling less than up to it). This past Monday we went to our Stroller Roller program.

Smelling the flowers...

and exploring some of the natural flowers (aka weeds)

and we can't forget the 'hide-y tree'

and it's always fun to spread some seeds around...

Skipping back a few weeks: I was busy doing something in the kitchen when Jude disappeared to the front of the house. He rarely spends time in this area because it's right near the steps leading to the second floor, which I'm half terrified to walk up and down - let alone Jude. Well, I was keeping an eye and an ear on what was happening and knew he was playing in the coat closet. At one point I heard the door close and he started calling "mommy" and giggling like a champ. It didn't take me long to realize he was playing hide-and-seek, so I took my time trying to find him. The whole time he's laughing like a little hyena in the closet. That little fully-belly laugh is enough to make my heart melt.

I forgot to mention he took a little snack in with him...

Jude started his soccer program again this month...

The emergency of warm weather means a little fun with the hose. On a couple of the really warm days we experienced, I let Jude play with the water. He can't get enough of it. I turn it on a slow trickle and he does all sorts of things from experimenting with the flow to watering plants.

The most obscure things are 'treasure' to this kid...


Katy said...

LOVE the pictures. That little boy is amazing.

Alicia Kennedy said...

He is pretty amazing - I agree.