Since the baseball game birthday celebration was limited to just us and one friend, we decided to include our family on the fun by having what was supposed to be a small gathering of cake and ice cream on Saturday night. Somehow the gathering grew to party-sized proportions, but I think that's the way it usually goes in our house.
We had a handful of family members and close friends over, ordered some pizza and did the whole "happy birthday" and cake thing. A lot of the family left shortly after cake and then we spent some quality time catching up with friends.
Perhaps the highlight of the day was that Jude made the transition to his 'big boy bed'. That day for his birthday present, my parents got Jude a mattress so that we could convert his crib into a full size bed. After my mom spread the word through the family that he was making the transition, within a couple of hours, we had family members sending sheets, pillows and other linens our way. It didn't take long for him to have the whole set-up - in addition to a new sports comforter. We made a huge stink about the transition, had Jude show off the bed to anyone who would look at it and in general had him psyched up.
That night he crawled happily into bed. We read a few books and he zonked out easily after a busy day. He slept through the night with no problem and didn't wake up until close to 6am the next morning. That pretty much has been the way it's gone since he first moved into the new bed, so I'd say it's been a successful transition.
All in all, it was a great couple of days worth of celebration for such a special little guy.
**pictures to follow
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