
Collecting Twigs

In the analogy of building a nest, we are collecting twigs over here.

This weekend has been one of the biggest pushes we've had towards getting ready for this little munchkin to arrive. Over the coarse of the last 2 weeks Ryan's dad has been in and out of our house putting on layers of spackle, sanding, etc. Finally last week we got word from him that Liam's room is 100% done and so we could go ahead with the painting. So, Ryan took this weekend to finish up the loose ends with the electric. We now officially have our entire upstairs switched over to the new wiring system and much of the old wiring removed and patched up, which is HUGE! It's AMAZING how much getting that complete has opened up a whole new list of things we can do! As this week marks our 3 year anniversary in this home, it's so exciting to see so much progress.

Once getting word that Liam's room in particular was ready, I called my dad who plans to do the painting and he told me he should have the job done by the end of this week! YEA! Once painting is done, we can obviously start placing things in the room, hanging up all the itty bitty clothes and getting things organized.

Knowing that once paint is on the walls things will move MUCH more quickly, we began gathering the rest of the supplies for the room. We bought new doors for most of our upstairs, curtain rods, blinds, etc. We're still waiting to hear word on the furniture, but tomorrow I plan to call the company we ordered from to find out if they have an estimated ship date so we can plan accordingly.

Ryan has the day off tomorrow, so we should be able to have one final push before falling into the routine of the week!


Anonymous said...

You'll have to post pictures so I can see!

Alicia Kennedy said...

I will be posting pictures for sure once we start making things look fancy. Ryan's working on putting up the new doors in the hallway and my dad's painting, so there will be something worth showing here shortly.