
38 Weeks

I'll get back to the photos... I promise... but here's the update from my 38 week appointment on Friday.

I weighed in at 170 (with an original start at 148, that's 22lbs total) - that means I either lost a little weight or didn't gain anything.

Blood pressure was right on. For the first time (since movement really began), Liam was 'resting' at the doctor's office, so his heartbeat was significantly lower (around 135 - still normal, just not it's typically active 150) than usual. Usually, he's kicking at the doctor while she's poking and prodding at my stomach. I was measuring for 37 weeks, but she said I could have dropped - and that it's normal to be off by as much as 2 weeks.

Since I declined the internal exam last week, it was pretty much expected that I get it this past week. Over the course of 2 weeks (since the last check) I had gone from "about 2cm" to "about 3cm". She told me before I was about 75% effaced and this time she said it was hard to tell, but I was more than 50% for sure - so, in the grand scheme of things, not much progress.

I may have mentioned before, but I'm really hoping to get through October 31st (Halloween) before this baby presents himself to the world. Obviously earlier and we'd be thrilled to finally have him, but I feel like this week/weekend is the last busy time for our family before Thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us, so it'd be nice to pull through - for Jude's sake. Thursday he has a Halloween party with his friends... Saturday is his music class and there's a neighborhood costume pizza party/parade... Monday is trick or treating... Sunday is his soccer game and trick or treating on the local 'Main Street'. So, tons of things to do... (and take pictures of - that hopefully will end up here).

Not to mention, we get to finally pick up Liam's furniture tomorrow and that means getting things put away in the nursery and really feeling prepared up there. In addition to my last day of work on Wednesday...

So, if you're listening at all Liam... just give us ONE MORE week! lol


barbie said...

of course we'd love to take Jude to main street, etc if you are unable because of Liam!

Again, the parade thing in your hood sounds adorable!