
Let's start from the beginning...

So, it's an understatement to say that I haven't posted any pictures of Jude or shared any of the fun things we've been doing... for the most part, it's because I'm lazy. Not to mention my love-affair with blogging has subsided and I kind of just do it for the sake of keeping some sort of log of what's happening in our lives.

But alas... I'm going to try and update you on October, because, we've been doing tons of fun things. To start with, Ryan's company had their annual company picnic at the beginning of the month. We went and had a good time. They had tons of stuff for the kids and Jude loved it.

Jude got his first 'face painting' which actually ended up being a hand painting... he went back for seconds because he loved it so much. He got a soccer ball on one hand and a baseball on the other.

Of course, balls+Jude=love.

They've had something similar to this every year. It's a giant obstacle course/moonbounce thing. I'm pretty sure Ryan liked it as much as Jude.


Katy said...

Didn't Jude get his face painted at our wedding? I could have swore he got a spider on his cheek.

Alicia Kennedy said...

touche! you're correct! I forgot all about that!