
15 Weeks

Somehow 15 weeks of pregnancy have flown by.

This past week I had my second prenatal visit. According to the scales I may - or may not - have gained somewhere in the 2-3lb range. I honestly don't remember what exactly I started the pregnancy at, but using a safe rounded (possible, slightly) down number, 2-3lbs sounds about right. For the most part the visit went pretty uneventfully. After a little poking around the heartbeat was seen/heard - I was told it looks like things are going well - we talked about my up coming ultra sound and I was sent on me way.

I fluctuate from day to day on my opinion of whether I'm showing or not. Usually it depends on how much I ate... what I'm wearing... the time of day and any other number of factors that can contribute to a bloated mid-section... but I guess if those are the things that determine how much I'm sticking out, then it's safe to say I'm probably not showing much at all (unless of course you're me or Ryan who see me naked and think "holy goodness, look at that thing!"). But regardless of who can actually tell I'm pregnant, I've been wearing maternity pants almost exclusively for weeks now. Pretty much the thought of zipping anything up that might suck in an portion of my stomach is enough to bring all those nausea urges rushing back.

These past couple of weeks have really given me a renewed sense of energy. I no longer am overwhelmed at the thought of keeping up with Jude, I take long walks and we are finding it easier and easier to get out of the house again. Naps are no longer something I have to do - but still do most of the time and I only very randomly feel any sort of nausea - and typically that's only if I haven't eaten much.

We're making plans for possible nurseries (depending on gender) and I am eager to return from our vacation in July to start putting it all together.

So, in conclusion, thus far, this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful and seems to be going by at one of those paces that from day to day seem like eternity, but when you look back at the end of 15 weeks you can't help but wonder "where has the time gone?".


Nicole Douglas said...

I forgot all about your blog. So cool that you still keep up with it!

We seem to be on the same track with these pregnancies. I'm having some of the same experiences at 14 weeks that you mentioned for 15 weeks.

I cant believe you are feeling him move all the time already. I can't wait to feel mine. I concentrate on it a lot, but nothing yet. LOL!

Alicia Kennedy said...

Not sure you'll come back to check this, but yeah, the movement REALLY picked up the past two weeks maybe.

I know I felt some early that I was hesitant to label as baby movement (as opposed to just gas), but after being told that I'd probably feel something earlier this time around i assumed it probably is/was.